Showing posts with label strawberries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strawberries. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

love, love me 'due

on valentine's day Dan and I made a chocolate pecan pie for dessert, and decided to put the fondue and fondue fixings on hold.  too much chocolate and too much richness for one day.

instead we made the fondue this past Monday.  not too shabby for a monday, if you ask me.  we ate it with bananas, strawberries, amaretto injected strawberries, walnuts and an apple. sounds like a lot, but once you start dipping you just get curious about flavor combinations. let the dipping begin! 

Chocolate Fondue
1 pound of  semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, well chopped or chips
1 1/2 cups of organic heavy cream

For dipping (really, anything is delicious dipped in chocolate goodness):
graham crackers

Set aside the chocolate. Pour the cream into a medium, thick-bottomed saucepan (or double boiler if you have one) over low heat. Bring the cream to a simmer and add the chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is melted.

Transfer the chocolate to a fondue pot and enjoy.