Showing posts with label san francisco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label san francisco. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2009

markety artsy indian chairs

about 40 years back, my dad saw woven leather chairs in a store and decided to replicate them himself. a DIY-er at heart, he got all of the supplies, and went to work...for years he made bar stools and kitchen chairs for everyone: family, friends, random people on the street, it didn't really matter who they were, if he knew them they were gonna get some chairs. my mom still uses them as her dining room chairs and bar stools, and I have two of the shorter stools in my kitchen.

I have never seen anything that even closely resembles this woven chair style, until last weekend, I saw them TWICE in one trip. apparently, they're mexican inspired and loved by San Franciscans, both sightings were at taquerias in San Fran. way to go dad, your hand made goods are still cutting edge.

At Mijita on Fisherman's Wharf.

At La Taqueria in the Mission.

The original at home, with Olive kitty.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

if you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear the warmest clothes you own

Please wear a flower in your hair, but you will need a jacket as well.

Even though I forgot to buy a t-shirt that proves it, I heart SF. this city will warm your heart and belly one minute, and chill you to the bone the next. but the cold's not stopping anyone, there are so many unique little pockets to explore and sights to see, you just gotta keep on keepin on. of all of our adventures my favorites were alcatraz and the mission (i could have stayed there all day sampling different taquerias).

we saw lots of bleu et vert, here's just a sampling from that little city by the sea.